You’re planning a really active summer. Plenty of beach time and lots of swimming for sure. You’ll take in some live entertainment, you’ll get lots of exercise jogging or possibly playing some tennis, then it’s time to get to the grill. Your schedule will be rather full. So it’s crucial that your hearing aids are […]
The buzzing in your ear keeps getting worse. At first, you could hardly notice it. But after being at the construction site all day (for work), you’ve realized just how noisy (and how relentless) that buzzing has become. These sounds can take many forms, like ringing, buzzing, or any number of noises. You’re considering coming […]
You finally got your new hearing aids. You’re so excited to be able to dive into your social life again. No more missed transitions or unclear conversations. But there’s an issue: everything sounds just a little off. That’s because it’ll likely take you a while to adjust to a new pair of hearing aids. Often, […]
You enjoy swimming and are all about going into the water. When you were a kid, everyone said you were part fish because you loved to swim so much the pool was your second home. Today, the water sounds a little… louder… than usual. And that’s when you realize you may have made a mistake: […]
Intimacy isn’t normally the first thing that comes to mind when you think about hearing aids. We understand. These little devices are usually presented in rather concrete terms. Less defined expressions including poetry, music, and art are more suited to the subject of love. And yet, the two are inextricably connected to the point where […]
We all enjoy a good bargain. But when it involves your health, be careful what you buy and keep your eye on the little details. We know, it’s confusing, the names are very similar, but hearing aids and hearing amplifiers are not equivalent. And your general hearing and health could suffer major consequences if you […]
Saving money just feels great, right? It can be invigorating when you’ve found a great deal on something, and the larger discount, the more satisfied you are. It’s a little too easy, then, to make the cost your main consideration, to always choose the least expensive option, to let your coupons make your consumer decisions […]
You’re supposed to use your hearing aids every day. But you’re also supposed to rinse out your milk jugs before recycling them. We don’t always do what we’re supposed to. So yeah, you forget to take your hearing aids out of their storage container occasionally. Perhaps you even go a day, or a week, or […]
Your hearing aids should improve your hearing right? When your hearing aid stops doing its job, it can be seriously frustrating. Luckily, your hearing aids should have no trouble doing their job if you properly maintain them. Go through this list before you do anything rash. If it’s not one of these common issues, it […]
The actual issue with chronic tinnitus isn’t just that you have a ringing in your ears. The real problem is that the ringing won’t stop. The constant noise, possibly rather moderate in volume, might start as little more than an annoyance. But the ringing can become aggravating and even incapacitating if it persists for days […]