No one’s quite sure what causes Meniere’s disease. But it’s hard to ignore its effects. Some prevalent symptoms of this affliction are vertigo, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and hearing loss. Researchers aren’t really sure why, but for some reason, fluid can build up in the ears and this seems to be the root cause […]
It’s true, hearing loss can catch you by surprise. But there are times when hearing issues suddenly pounce you like a cat instead of sneaking up on you. It could happen like this: you wake up, pull yourself out of bed, and maybe you don’t detect it until you finish showering but your hearing feels…off, […]
Want to show how much you care? Listen to your loved ones, truly listen. That calls for, of course, the ability to hear. Studies reveal millions of people would benefit from wearing hearing aids because one out of three adults between the ages of 65 and 74 have some amount of hearing loss. But only […]
The human body is an awesome, breathtaking, perplexing, confounding piece of work, isn’t it? The human body typically has no difficulty repairing cuts, scrapes, or broken bones (I mean, sure, it takes some time, but your body can actually repair the giant bones in your arms and legs with little more than some time and […]
Researchers at the famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) might have cracked the code on one of hearing’s most bewildering mysteries, and the future design of hearing aids may get an overhaul based on their findings. The enduring notion that voices are isolated by neural processing has been debunked by an MIT study. According to […]
For people who have hearing loss, the phrase “music to my ears” may have a whole new meaning. Researchers at the University of Helsinki and the University College London examined the effects of musical activities on hearing loss in children and the results of the study highlighted the effect and benefit obtained by exposing people […]
Cinnamon and nutmeg wafting through the air. Brightly colored lights of blue, red, and green fill your home with a festive spirit. Grandchildren dancing, singing, and playing as you continue catching up with your sister, brother, cousins, and children. You don’t want to miss any of this memorable occasion. Are you ready? Is There Anything […]
Susan always recognized that when she retired she would be living the active lifestyle. At 68, she’s now visited more than 12 countries and has many more on her list. On some days she can be found investigating a hiking trail with her grandkids, on others she will be volunteering at a local hospital, and […]
YouTube has some videos you really should check out. A 7-month old baby hears his mother’s voice for the first time after being fitted for a hearing aid. You may find yourself crying tears of joy when you see the smile on his face. Videos similar to this one are countless online. You feel like […]
Your hearing health is connected to numerous other health concerns, from depression to dementia. Here are just a few of the ways your hearing is related to your health. 1. Your Hearing is Affected by Diabetes When tested with low to mid-frequency tones, individuals with diabetes were two times as likely to experience mild to […]