When is it time to get a hearing exam? Here are four clues that you should get your hearing assessed. I guess my TV is regularly turned up to the point where my kids recently complained. And guess what I said. I said, “What”? It was humorous. Because it was a joke. But it also […]
You will still see your eye doctor yearly even if you already wear eyeglasses. Because your eyes change as time passes. Like the rest of your body, your eyes aren’t fixed and neither are your ears. That’s why, even after you’ve invested in hearing aids, it’s important to continue to have your ears checked just […]
The Issue with office locations Traditionally, hearing aid providers have physical office locations that clients visit in order to receive their hearing aids, hearing aid discovery tests, repair hearing aids, and more. However, the storefront business model comes with a surprising amount of problems for many clients. Going to an office location can be very […]