Crackling in your ear? Buzzing, crackling, “static”, or whooshing sounds in your ear can all be symptoms of a condition known as tinnitus. Here’s some info. Ever hear crackling, buzzing, or thumping sounds that seem to come from nowhere? If you use hearing aids, it may mean that they need adjustment or aren’t properly fitted. […]
Over the last several decades the public opinion about cannabinoids and marijuana has changed significantly. Many states now allow the use of marijuana, THC, or cannabinoid products for medicinal purposes. The concept that some states (fewer) even allow the recreational use of pot would have been unimaginable a decade ago. Any compounds produced by the […]
You learn to adapt to living with tinnitus. You always leave the TV on to help you tune out the persistent ringing. The loud music at happy hour makes your tinnitus a lot worse so you refrain from going out with your friends. You’re always making appointments to try new techniques and treatments. After a […]
Tinnitus, as with lots of chronic conditions, has a mental health component to it. It isn’t just a matter of dealing with the symptoms. It’s finding the inner fortitude and resilience to do it regularly without knowing whether they will ever recede once and for all. Regrettably, for some people, tinnitus can bring about depression. […]
You hear a ringing in your ears when you wake up in the morning. They were okay yesterday so that’s peculiar. So you start thinking about likely causes: you haven’t been working in the workshop (no power tools have been around your ears), you haven’t been playing your music at an excessive volume (it’s all […]
It’s often unclear what’s triggering tinnitus (a ringing or buzzing in your ears). But one thing we know for certain is that if you have hearing loss your probability of experiencing tinnitus rises. According to HLAA as much as 90 percent of individuals who experience tinnitus also have hearing loss. As you probably realize, your […]
“Why do I hear a ringing noise in my ears?” “How can I make that noise go away?” If you find yourself making these kinds of statements, you might have tinnitus, a common hearing problem that causes you to hear noises or perceive a sound that others can’t hear. You’re not by yourself. Tinnitus is […]